by Jarrett Webster April 19, 2023 11 min read

Becoming a new mother can be an exciting and joyful experience, but it also comes with its own set of challenges, especially during the postpartum recovery period. After giving birth, your body will need time to heal and recover, and you will likely experience some physical and emotional changes that can become overwhelming at times.

Often, the emphasis is put on your baby, and understandably so! This tiny being has just come into the world, and a lot needs to be done to ensure they are happy and healthy. But this shouldn’t get in the way of taking care of you and your postpartum recovery.

That's why we’ve put together this blog to provide you with a list of must-have postpartum recovery items specifically for new mothers. Whether you're a first-time mom or have given birth before, everyone wants to be prepared. In this blog, we’ll cover these items:

  1. A Postpartum Recovery Kit
  2. Pads
  3. Mesh Underwear
  4. A Peri Bottle
  5. Belly Bands
  6. Sitz Baths
  7. Witch Hazel Pads
  8. Medications
  9. Feeding Supplies
  10. Nursing Bras
  11. Nursing Pads
  12. Nipple Cream
  13. Nursing Pillow
  14. Breast Pump
  15. Bottles and Milk Storage Bags
  16. Lactation Tea
  17. Comfy Clothes
  18. Portable Diaper Changing Station
  19. Baby Wrap or Carrier
  20. Water Bottle

This blog will provide essential information and recommendations to make your postpartum recovery as comfortable and stress-free as possible. So let’s dive in!

1. A Postpartum Recovery Kit

One of the best things you can do while preparing for your baby's birth is to grab apostpartum recovery kit to help you after the birth. It will have the essentials for your recovery period in one convenient place, from pads to mesh underwear to witch hazel pads. Instead of walking the aisles of your grocery store or perusing multiple different websites trying to gather everything with a brand-new baby, get it all delivered to your doorstep, so it’s ready to go when you need it!

2. Pads

One of the most basic postpartum recovery essentials is pads. Most women bleed forfour to six weeks after giving birth, and while standard pads are wonderful for a normal period, they may not quite do the trick for your postpartum recovery. Your best option is to grab some postpartum pads, which are larger and thicker to accommodate the heavier bleeding. 

3. Mesh Underwear

In the world of postpartum recovery essentials, mesh underwear is perhaps one of the most revered items on the market. Your body is healing and sensitive during your postpartum recovery period, and mesh underwear provides support while being lightweight, breathable, and stretchy. Trust us when we say it’s a must!

4. A Peri Bottle

Your peri bottle will be your good friend in those weeks after giving birth. Your perineal area will be very sensitive during your postpartum recovery, and wiping after using the bathroom may cause discomfort. A peri bottle is a specialized squirt bottle that lets you clean your perineal area with water, making it much easier. You can easily clean yourself without directly touching the area while getting a bit of sweet relief. Pro tip: add warm water and sitz bath herbs inside the peri bottle for extra relief!

5. A Belly Band

Abelly band serves several purposes. It will help your uterus shrink back to its normal size, can help reduce back pain, and give your abdominal muscles the support they need during your postpartum recovery period. There are many options, making it easy to find one that fits your personal preferences!

6. Sitz Bath

A sitz bath is a warm, shallow bath that soothes and cleanses the perineal area. It is commonly used as a postpartum recovery aid to promote healing and reduce discomfort and pain in the perineal area after childbirth. Not only that, but it can also reduce swelling and irritation, making this a must-have for postpartum healing. Another quick option to achieve the same results, is to use a sitz bath pad. You can find them inside thesepostpartum recovery boxes

7. Witch Hazel Pads

Witch hazel pads, also known as Tucks pads, are a postpartum recovery product that can provide relief and promote healing in the perineal area after childbirth. They are small, pre-moistened pads that contain witch hazel, known for their soothing and healing properties. Paired with our other postpartum recovery essentials, these can work wonders.

8. Medications

Whether you have pain medications prescribed in the hospital or other medications from before birth, you’ll want to ensure you have fresh refills on everything for your postpartum recovery period. We recommend calling your doctor or pharmacy for refills ahead of time. Just one less thing that you’ll have to think about!

9. Feeding Supplies

While the feeding supplies aren’t necessarily for you specifically, having them on hand and accessible for your little one is definitely going to make things easier for you! Every mom and every baby is different. Somebreastfeed, some bottle feed, and remember that however feeding looks for you - you are doing a great job, Mama!

If you’re breastfeeding, you’ll want to have the following:

If you’re bottle feeding, you’ll want to have the following:

  • Nursing bras
  • Nursing pads
  • Nipple cream
  • A nursing pillow
  • Breast pump or formula
  • Bottles
  • Milk storage bags

Let’s dive into some of these must-haves!

10. Nursing Bras

Nursing bras are made with mom in mind. They feature easy-to-open flaps or panels so that you can feed or pump at a moment's notice. This eliminates the need to remove your bra entirely, which is a major time saver!

11. Nursing Pads

Whether breastfeeding or pumping, you’re bound to leak occasionally.Nursing padsare designed to be put inside your bra to absorb milk droplets that leak in between feedings. They’ll keep your clothing clean for longer and come in various sizes, making it easy to find the best option.

12. Nipple Cream

As you begin your breastfeeding or pumping journey, there is a possibility that your nipples can become sensitive or chapped. There are plenty of nipple cream options out there that are geared toward helping you find relief and comfort as you feed your little one! Ourbreastfeeding box has a fantastic nipple cream, as well as a number of other goodies that are geared toward making your breastfeeding experience a breeze.

13. A Nursing Pillow

You’ll find that your sweet baby needs to eat pretty frequently. Most newborns eatevery two to four hours. This means you’ll have plenty of opportunities for baby snuggles! However, you'll find that your arms tire quickly.

This is where a nursing pillow will come into play! A nursing pillow, also known as a breastfeeding pillow, is a specially designed pillow to support a nursing mother and her baby during breastfeeding. The pillow is usually shaped like a horseshoe, designed for you to easily cradle your baby and provide support for the mother's arms and back.

14. Breast pump

If you plan on pumping, you’ll want to grab a high-quality breast pump. There are many options, from hand pumping to a double electric pump. 

The most important thing to look for is theflange size. We all have different breast sizes, so it makes sense that there won’t be a one size fits all option for breast pumps. Having the right flange size will ensure you get the most milk possible. It will also help to prevent clogging in your breasts. 

15. Bottles and Milk Storage Bags

Make sure you have a good supply ofbottles on hand before the baby comes so that you can be sure to be ready. It doesn’t hurt to have a few bottle options on hand to see which one your little one will prefer! You’ll also want to grab somemilk storage bags. When pumping, there will likely come a time when you pump more than your baby is currently eating. This is where you can start to store and freeze your milk so it can be used later on!

16. Lactation Tea

Several foods and drinks can help to increase your milk supply. From cookies and muffins to smoothies and oatmeal, the possibilities are endless! One of our favorite options is lactation tea. A simple and soothing option, consistently drinking this tea can increase your milk supply and help you stock up on breast milk.

17. Comfy Clothes

Mama, you are recovering from a major physical experience. You deserve all of thecomfy clothes your heart desires! We highly recommend you spend the first few weeks of your postpartum recovery in joggers, sweaters, nightgowns, pajama sets, and cozy socks. 

18. Portable Diaper Changing Station

For the first few weeks of your baby’s life, their daily agendas will consist of the following:

  • Sleeping
  • Eating
  • Pooping

You have the crib or bassinet set up, and we’ve already talked about the eating situation for your little one. One way to keep your baby’s diaper clean and make it as easy as possible for yourself is to have a portable diaper changing station on hand.

Grab a small bag or caddy and fill it with the essentials: diapers, wipes, diaper cream, and a  change of clothes for when the inevitable blowout happens. Keep this bag/caddy nearby as you move around the house throughout the day. That way, when it comes time for a diaper change, you don’t have to troop down the hall to the nursery or trek up the stairs. You already have everything you need! 

19. Baby Wrap or Carrier

You will quickly find that having a newborn baby will have you wishing you had at least one more arm! Learning to do everything with one hand can be pretty tricky. This is where a baby wrap orbaby carrier can be a huge game-changer. Wear your baby, feel that closeness, and keep them comfortable, all while having access to both of your hands.

20. A Water Bottle

Mama, stay hydrated. With everything you have on your plate with your postpartum recovery, keep your favorite water bottle nearby with some ice water to sip on throughout the day. 

20 Must-Have Items For Your Postpartum Recovery

Postpartum Recovery FAQs

What Is Postpartum Recovery?

Postpartum recovery is when your body undergoes numerous physical, hormonal, and emotional changes after childbirth. Returning to your pre-pregnancy state is no small thing; understandably, it will take some time. 

This recovery period can last several weeks to several months and varies for each woman depending on the type of delivery, overall health, and individual circumstances. So if your postpartum recovery journey looks different from your sister’s or your friend’s, it’s all good! We all recover differently.

During postpartum recovery, the body goes through various changes, including the healing of the perineum, uterus, and abdominal muscles. Additionally, there will be some adjustments to changes in hormone levels and milk production. It's important for new mothers to prioritize self-care during this time, which may include:

  • Resting
  • Eating a healthy diet
  • Staying hydrated
  • Engaging in light exercise (once approved and recommended by your doctor!)

Overall, postpartum recovery is an important phase for new mothers. It allows the body to heal and adjust after childbirth and provides an opportunity to prioritize self-care and seek support as needed.

How Long Is Postpartum Recovery?

Postpartum recovery can vary depending on several factors, primarily the type of delivery, the mother's overall health, and the presence of any complications or underlying medical conditions. In general, postpartum recovery can take several weeks to several months. If you’re looking for an exact estimate, we recommend speaking with your doctor for their opinion! They’ll have the best idea of the recovery time you can anticipate. 

For women with vaginal delivery, postpartum recovery typically takes around six weeks. The uterus and perineum will gradually heal during this time, and vaginal bleeding will gradually decrease. It's essential that you rest and avoid any strenuous activity during this time. This is a time for recovery; taking care of yourself will help.

For women who have aC-section, postpartum recovery can take longer, typically around eight to twelve weeks. During this time, the incision site will gradually heal, and you will need to avoid heavy lifting and other strenuous activities to prevent complications.

It's important to note that postpartum recovery is not a one-size-fits-all process, and everyone’s experience will be unique. Some new moms may have unique complications or require additional medical care, which can extend the recovery process. It’s crucial that you prioritize self-care, listen to your body during this time, and seek medical attention if you have any concerns or complications.

Overall, postpartum recovery is an important phase for new mothers, and it's important to take the time to allow the body to heal and adjust after childbirth. With proper care and attention, most women can expect to fully recover within several weeks to several months.

How to Prepare for Postpartum Recovery

Preparing for postpartum recovery can help new mothers feel more confident and empowered during this important time. Here are some tips to help you prepare:

  • Create a postpartum plan: Just like a birth plan, a postpartum plan can help you outline your preferences and expectations for the first few weeks after childbirth. You can include things like who you want around for support, your preference for visitors, a schedule for visiting your doctor, etc.
  • Stock up on postpartum essentials: That’s what this blog is all about! Snag our must-haves before the baby comes. Having these items on hand before you give birth is a good idea, so you don't have to worry about shopping or running errands during the early weeks.
  • Make arrangements for support: A support system can be critical during postpartum recovery. This includes family members and friends who can help with meals, household chores, and baby care.
  • Take care of yourself during pregnancy:Prioritizing self-care during pregnancy can help set the stage for a healthy postpartum recovery.
  • Educate yourself:Learning as much as you can about postpartum recovery, including common physical and emotional changes, can help you feel more prepared and confident. You may also want to consider taking a postpartum class or working with a postpartum specialist to help you navigate this important phase.

Preparing for postpartum recovery can help you feel more empowered and confident during this important time. By planning ahead and prioritizing self-care, you will likely have a more healthy and fulfilling postpartum experience.

Postpartum Recovery and Postpartum Depression

In addition to physical changes, postpartum recovery can involve emotional challenges. This can include things such as mood swings, fatigue, and anxiety, often referred to as the "baby blues" or postpartum depression. 

Postpartum depression (PPD) is a common condition affecting many new mothers, and it's important to know that help and support are available. If you suspect you may have PPD, contacting your healthcare provider as soon as possible is important. They can provide an accurate diagnosis and recommend a treatment plan.

Just like every new mother’s recovery process is different, every mother’s path through postpartum depression will look different. That may include therapy, medication, or a combination of both.

It's also important to seek support from family, friends, or a support group, who can provide emotional support and help with daily tasks. You may be surprised by how many people around you are willing to step in and lend a hand. 

Sometimes, the hardest thing is to accept help. Know that you are deserving of that help. If someone offers to bring over a meal or babysit for a few hours so you can rest, take them up on it! Prioritize taking care of your baby and yourself, and let other tasks fall down on the priority list.

Remember that postpartum depression is a treatable condition, and with the right support and treatment, you can fully recover and enjoy motherhood. Be patient and kind with yourself, and know that it's okay to ask for help. With time and support, you can overcome postpartum depression and find joy in your new role as a mother.

If this is something that you’re experiencing, take a deep breath. This moment is hard, but there are options to help you through this challenge. 

Sunflower Motherhood Is Here to Help With Your Postpartum Recovery

Navigating the waters of postpartum recovery can feel intimidating. Here at Sunflower Motherhood, we hope you can enter this new world of motherhood with all the right supplies on hand to ensure you’re taken care of.

With various postpartum recovery kits to choose from, it’s easier than ever for you to stock up on all of the postpartum recovery essentials you need to make things a breeze. Whether you’re looking for help with yourphysical recovery, help withbreastfeeding, or you just need a littleyou time, we have a box for that.

We are here to shine a light on mothers and their needs. Browse our selection ofpostpartum items today!

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