by Jason Ryser January 08, 2025 6 min read

Are you ready to rock your unmedicated birth, mama? Choosing to labor without medication can be an incredibly empowering and beautiful experience filled with moments of strength and connection. But let’s be real — it can also have challenges, and being prepared is key to navigating them confidently and gracefully.

I’m Liesel, an experienced L&D nurse and proud mama of two boys, and I’m here to help you every step of the way. Over the years, I’ve supported countless moms through their unmedicated births, and I’ve learned what really works when it comes to preparing for and thrivingduring this life-changing event.

In this blog, I share practical and heartfelt birth tips from my perspective as a labor nurse and a mom. From one mama to another, let’s get you ready to embrace the incredible journey of unmedicated birth. You’ve got this, and I’m here to help you make it the most empowering experience possible!

A patient undergoing a stomach injection in a healthcare environment

Benefits of laboring without an epidural

Let’s briefly explore the benefits of laboring without an epidural, a choice that offers unique advantages for many mothers.

Freedom to move and change positions

Choosing to labor without an epidural allows you the freedom to move and change positions naturally, which can be a game-changer during the birthing process. 

Whether walking, swaying, squatting, or getting into hands-and-knee positions, mobility can help your body work with gravity and facilitate labor. Studies suggest that this freedom may even lead to shorter labor and reduce the need for interventions, such as pitocin or forceps.

Without the numbing effects of anepidural, you can stay more in tune with your body’s natural cues. This heightened awareness allows you to feel and respond to contractions, potentially leading to a deeper sense of connection with the birthing process. 

Many moms who labor unmedicated describe the experience as empowering, as they’re able to listen to their instincts and work actively with their bodies to bring their baby into the world.

Quicker postpartum recovery

Another significant benefit is a potentially quicker postpartum recovery. Without the effects of epidural anesthesia, you may regain full sensation and mobility sooner after delivery, which can make the transition to holding and bonding with your baby feel more seamless.

For those who aren’t fans of needles or medical interventions, laboring without an epidural also eliminates the need for a catheter or IV medications associated with the procedure, offering a sense of relief and control over the process.

Ultimately, the decision to labor with or without an epidural is deeply personal. It’s about choosing the birth experience that feels right for you and aligns with your preferences and comfort level. Whatever choice you make, it’s important to feel supported and empowered throughout the process. 

A woman in a hospital bed receives medical assistance from two doctors

1. Unmedicated birth tips

As a labor and delivery nurse, I’ve witnessed the strength and resilience of countless women choosing unmedicated birth. While it’s a personal journey, here are some tips to help you confidently navigate this path.

Mental preparation is key!

Going natural is a mental game more than anything else! There are so many pieces to the puzzle when it comes to giving birth without an epidural, but this is one of the most important parts. In fact, it might bethe most important part!

In my birth courses, I dive deep into mental “games” you can play to help you through the tough times of labor. Let’s touch on a couple of my favorites now.

You can do anything for 20 seconds

This is my favorite tip! Your contraction is like a hill – it’s going to peak, and that peak will last for 15-20 seconds. That’s when it’s going to be the absolute worst.

Rest is powerful

It’s so important to rest in the early stages of labor, through active labor (when you can), and between pushing! Saving your strength for those more difficult contractions in active labor is going to do you so much good.

Savor the breaks as much as possible

Between contractions, close your eyes, relax your entire body, and don’t think about the next contraction.

Mental preparation is as important as physical readiness when planning for an unmedicated birth. Building a mindset of strength and resilience can make all the difference during labor. 

Practiceaffirmations like, "My body is strong and capable," or "Each contraction brings me closer to meeting my baby." Visualization techniques may also help; picture yourself moving through each stage of labor with confidence and calm. 

Consider guided meditations or relaxation exercises to prepare your mind for the intensity of birth. A positive mindset helps you manage discomfort and allows you to embrace the beauty of the process.

A man and woman in a hospital bed symbolize comfort and togetherness in healing

2. Movement is your friend

Movement is especially important for those mamas wanting an unmedicated birth!

Imagine this: you're in labor, and your body is working so hard to bring your baby into the world. Staying in one position can actually slow things down and make contractions feel more intense. But when you move, you're helping your baby descend, easing discomfort, and even encouraging labor to progress more efficiently!

Swaying your hips, rocking on a birthing ball, leaning against your partner — these movements help your baby navigate the birth canal and find the optimal position. Plus, it keeps your pelvis open and flexible, allowing your little one to descend more easily.

Now, let's talk aboutpositions.

Birthing ball

Birthing balls help open your pelvis, which allows the baby to engage deeper into the birth canal. Most hospitals have birthing balls for you to use during labor, so you don’t need to bring your own.


I know it sounds crazy, but hear me out! Sit backward on the toilet. Place a pillow on the toilet tank so that you can rest your head down between contractions. This position helps to open your pelvis and encourages you to keep your bladder empty!

Fire hydrant

Lay on your left side with your right leg elevated, supported by a peanut ball or lots of pillows. This position can help turn a baby fromocciput posterior (OP) to occiput anterior (OA) and is significant in early labor, too.

Support is essential

Organizing theright support team can make or break it when it comes to having a successful, unmedicated birth. Think of your birth team as your personal cheerleading squad, pain-relief crew, and emotional guides all rolled into one! Here are some ways your support team can provide assistance during labor:

  • Help you stay focused: When things get tough, your team can help you stay grounded, remind you of your coping techniques, and keep you on track.

  • Offer encouragement and motivation: Labor can be long and intense. Having people who believe in you and remind you of your strength can make all the difference.

  • Provide physical comfort:You might want to be touched during labor. Or, you might want everyone to get the heck away from you! If you allow others to touch you, a gentle back rub, a cool compress, or even holding your hand will provide much-needed relief during contractions.

  • Advocate for your wishes: This is a big one! They can help communicate your preferences to your medical team and ensure that your birth plan is respected as safely as possible.

  • Create a positive atmosphere: Surrounding yourself with positive energy and loving support can make your birth experience more relaxed and joyful.

Looking for more?

As a labor and delivery nurse, I’ve spent countless hours with women who felt anxious — even fearful — about giving birth. I want you to know it doesn’t have to be that way for you!

When you know what to expect and have the tools to navigate the experience, you’ll have a better birth — no matter how you deliver.

I hope you’ll join the 650k+ mamas in the MLN Instagram community by following@mommy.labornurse and taking a minute to check out all of the free birth prep info and solidarity we offer atMommy Labor Nurse!

And while you’re here, turn to Sunflower Motherhood for all your birth preparation needs, whether you wantcomfy pajamas,birthing socks, orsoothing candles for your room. 

Prepare for birth with Sunflower Motherhood

Preparing for an unmedicated birth starts with having the right tools and support by your side. From labor essentials to postpartum recovery must-haves, Sunflower Motherhood has everything you need to feel empowered and cared for during this incredible journey. 

Explore their thoughtfully curated collection of labor and postpartum goods, including comforting self-care items, practical recovery kits, and products designed to make your transition into motherhood smoother and more supported.Visit Sunflower Motherhoodtoday and set yourself up for a confident, well-prepared birth experience!


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