by Jarrett Webster June 05, 2024 6 min read

Welcoming a new baby is a big change for any mom, and you might wonder if anew mom care package, a text message, or a meal would help. As friends and family, we want to help, but knowing the right ways to offer support is important. New moms go through so much, from sleepless nights to learning how to care for their little ones. They need love, patience, and understanding.

In this blog, we'll talk about the do's and don'ts of helping a new mom. We'll share tips on what to say and do to make her feel special and supported and how a new mom care package or postpartum package can help. 

Whether you're a friend, family member, or coworker, these tips will help you connect and show that you care. Let's make this journey easier and more joyful for the new mom in your life.

DO:Adore and love the new baby.

DON'T: Forget to give that same attention and love to the mom.

The first weeks after having a baby are arguably one of the most tender and sensitive times of a woman's life. Her hormones are regulating, her lifestyle is adjusting, and her identity is shifting. 

She was born into a brand new, permanent identity overnight, which is an emotional process for many mothers. On top of that, she is responding to all of her baby’s needs while experiencing physical pain and discomfort like never before.

While Mom is doing everything she can to ease her baby's transition into the world, it’s important that she, too, is nurtured during her transition into motherhood. 

When you consider how much the mother's body and mind are going through, it makes sense to treat her with the same love, fragility, and care as you do the new baby. 

She may be as delicate as her bundle of joy, depending on the situation. Show her your care and love by checking in on her, telling her she's doing a great job, and offering your help and support.

DO:Offer to drop off food.

DON'T:Expect to see the baby.

A dinner drop-off is one of the gestures that new moms appreciate most. Not only is the food prepared, but the cleanup is easy, making the whole evening more relaxed. 

Another sweet act would be to add a bag full of snacks or groceries with the meal. It’s hard to get to the grocery store in those initial months, and chances are whatever you drop off will be devoured (especially if mom isbreastfeeding!).

The best move is to drop it at the door at the time you specified, knowing they will be so grateful and be on your way. Some moms may not want the company but feel like they owe it to the guests to invite them in to meet the baby as a thank you for the dinner. 

But the truth is that the last thing Mama needs to be doing in this tender time is things to please others. The first weeks after having a baby are a time for the mom to focus on caring for herself and her baby.

If she invites you in, keep your stay short — 30 minutes or less. Asking if you can help with any house tasks while you’re there, like unloading the dishwasher or switching the laundry, is also a kind and appreciated offer.

New mom care package with postpartum essentials.

DO:Text or call Mama to check in and ask how she is doing.

DON'T:Expect a prompt response.

People always ask how the baby is doing. People rarely ask how the mommy is doing. Making a conscious effort to check in with the mom in this sensitive time is one of the gestures she will remember. 

Saying things in your texts and voicemails like "I'm checking in on you and sending love" or "I am here for you if you need anything" will help her feel cared about and supported.

Those check-ins remind her that she has people to reach out to if she needs help. But do not take it personally if she doesn’t respond. She is both occupied and exhausted, and it may have slipped her mind. 

If she is a people pleaser, she will feel like she owes it to you to respond promptly, even if that means doing so when it's inconvenient for her or she doesn't feel like it. Prefacing your text or voicemail with "No need to respond..." is an excellent way to take the pressure off her.

DO:Listen when she shares struggles with the baby.

DON'T:Tell her what to do.

From the media to family members, Mama has a million opinions coming at her. Even if you are certain what you did with your baby will solve her problem, be very careful with how you deliver that message. Try something like, "What worked well for us is...." but make sure to end by acknowledging that you know every baby is different. 

It’s also important to accept that the mom may already have preferences regarding that topic. Even with good intentions, giving advice that starts with "You need to..." or "You should not..." can backfire. It may make Mama not want to be around you because telling her how to parent can contribute to self-doubt and mom guilt.

When you're doing something for the first time, a certain amount of trial and error is needed for learning and growth. Mom needs to be able to hear her own voice amidst all the others that will guide her to what works best for her and her baby. 

She can decide on her own time if she wants to try whatever you have shared. But remember, she knows her baby better than anyone else could. Mama really does know best.

DO:Get her a new mom care package. 

DON’T:Expect a thank you note.

Gift-giving for a new mom is more than a kind gesture; it's a meaningful way to show your love and support during a transformative time. 

New moms often experience a whirlwind of emotions, from joy to exhaustion. Receiving a thoughtful new mom care package will lift her spirits and remind her that she is loved and appreciated. It's a small but powerful way to show that you care about her well-being. Opening that postpartum gift box will brighten her day!

The early days of motherhood are filled with new challenges and responsibilities. Practical gifts, likepostpartum packages, provide essential items that make her daily routine easier. These gifts show that you understand her needs and want to help tangibly.

Many new moms put their own needs last as they focus on their baby. Gifts encouraging self-care, like spa products or cozy blankets, will help her take some much-needed time for herself. This focus on her well-being may make a significant difference in her overall happiness and health.

However, don’t expect a thank-you note for it. The new mom is overwhelmed caring for her new baby and has limited time to herself. Instead of expecting a response, let the gesture of giving the gift be the point of it. This will foster long-term gratitude and alleviate pressure.

DO:Offer to help with the baby.

DON’T: Be offended if she turns down your offer.

Offering to help a new mom with her baby is a kind and generous gesture. It shows you care and want to support her during this special but often challenging time. However, it's essential to understand why she might turn down your offer and not take it personally. 

Every new mom has different comfort levels and boundaries. She might prefer handling certain tasks herself, or she might not be ready to have others involved in her baby's care. Respecting her decision shows that you understand and honor her wishes, which strengthens your relationship.

New moms can feel mixed emotions, including vulnerability and the desire to bond with their baby. By offering help, you acknowledge her potential need for support. If she declines, it's often because she feels more comfortable managing on her own at that moment, not because she doesn't appreciate your offer.

Motherhood comes with many new challenges and uncertainties. By offering help without pressure, you give the new mom control over her situation. She might need time to adjust to her new role and find her rhythm. Your understanding allows her to make the best decisions for her and her baby.

Plus, turning down your offer once doesn't mean she won't need help later. Keep the door open by letting her know your offer stands, and she can reach out anytime. This continued support can be incredibly reassuring and might be exactly what she needs when the time is right.

Postpartum care package with essentials for new moms.

Show your support with Sunflower Motherhood

Show the new mom in your life how much you care by gifting her a postpartum package from Sunflower Motherhood. These thoughtfully curated postpartum gift boxes are filled with essentials that will help her adjust to life with a new baby, offering comfort and support when she needs it most. 

Visit Sunflower Motherhood today and pick out a postpartum gift box that will make her feel loved and appreciated. Not sure what to get her? You’ll never go wrong with agift card so she can choose for herself. Either way, Sunflower Motherhood has you covered. Let’s support that new mom together! 

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