by Jarrett Webster May 24, 2023 14 min read

The first month with a baby can feel like a whirlwind, and many people want to know how to best help new parents during this time. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various ways you can lend a helping hand to new parents during this critical period. 

The arrival of a newborn brings immense joy and excitement, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges and adjustments. Whether you're a family member, friend, or neighbor, your support can make a world of difference as they navigate the early stages of parenthood. 

From assisting with older children to offering a helping hand around the house and providing emotional support from afar, we'll cover it all. Let's dive in and discover practical ways to support and empower new parents as they embark on this beautiful and transformative journey!

Helping with Older Children

When a new baby arrives, older siblings may feel a mix of excitement, confusion, and even jealousy. As a supportive friend or family member, there are several ways you can provide assistance and attention to help them through this transition.

  • Offer one-on-one time: Set aside special moments to spend quality time with the older sibling. This will make them feel valued and loved amidst the changes happening around them.
  • Be a good listener: Give the older sibling a chance to express their feelings and concerns. Encourage open communication and provide a safe space for them to share their thoughts. Acknowledge their emotions and offer reassurance.
  • Include them in baby-related activities: Involve the older sibling in age-appropriate tasks related to the baby. For example, they can help choose outfits, read stories to the baby, or assist with gentle playtime interactions.

To prevent older siblings from feeling neglected or bored during the first month with a new baby, it can be helpful for both the parents and the older children to engage them in activities that capture their interest and keep them involved.

  • Craft or art projects: Provide materials for creative projects that they can enjoy independently or with your assistance. This helps channel their energy into something constructive while also nurturing their creativity.
  • Outdoor adventures: Plan outings to the park, playground, or nature trails. Engaging in physical activities and being in nature can help older siblings release pent-up energy, reduce stress, and provide a welcome distraction from the changes at home.
  • Games and puzzles: Encourage board games, puzzles, or age-appropriate video games that can be played together. These activities promote bonding, develop problem-solving skills, and offer entertainment for both you and the older sibling.

Giving new parents some respite by offering to babysit or arranging playdates for the older sibling can be a tremendous help. 

  • Babysitting: Offer to watch the baby while the parents spend quality time with the older sibling. This allows the parents to focus solely on the older child, strengthening their bond and reassuring them of their importance.
  • Playdates: Reach out to other parents or friends with children of similar ages and coordinate playdates for the older sibling. This gives them an opportunity to socialize, make new friends, and enjoy some fun activities outside the home.
  • Virtual playdates: In situations where physical playdates may not be possible, arrange virtual playdates through video calls. Set up shared activities like storytelling, drawing, or playing online games to keep the older sibling engaged and connected with their peers.

Remember, by actively involving and supporting older siblings, you not only alleviate some of the new parents' responsibilities but also contribute to a smoother and more harmonious transition for the entire family.

Helping Around the House

In the chaotic and exhausting first month with a new baby, even small household tasks can feel overwhelming for new parents. You can lend a hand with light housework and organization.

  • Tidy up common areas: Take a few minutes to tidy up the living room, kitchen, or other shared spaces. Clear clutter, organize items, and wipe down surfaces to create a clean and inviting environment.
  • Do the dishes: Offer to wash dishes or load the dishwasher after meals. Keeping the kitchen clean and free of dirty dishes can be a huge relief for new parents who are already juggling numerous responsibilities.
  • Take care of pet-related tasks: If the new parents have pets, assist with feeding, walking, or cleaning up after them. This helps alleviate some of the additional responsibilities that come with caring for both a baby and pets.

Meal preparation can be time-consuming and exhausting for new parents. Offering assistance in this area can provide much-needed relief and ensure that they have nourishing meals. 

  • Cook and freeze meals: Prepare a variety of meals that can be easily stored in the freezer. Consider making nutritious, one-pot dishes that can be reheated quickly. Label the meals with instructions for heating to make it convenient for the new parents.
  • Organize a meal train: Coordinate with friends, family, or neighbors to set up a meal train. This involves scheduling different individuals or families to bring meals to the new parents on specific days. Online platforms and apps can simplify the coordination process.
  • Arrange meal deliveries: Research local meal delivery services or subscription meal kits that cater to new parents. Offer to cover the cost or assist with finding discounts and promotions. Having pre-prepared meals delivered can be a lifesaver for exhausted parents.

New parents often struggle to keep up with household chores, especially laundry and cleaning. By offering to take care of these tasks, you can provide immense support.

  • Do the laundry: Offer to sort, wash, dry, fold, and put away laundry. This includes baby clothes, linens, and any other items that need washing. Pay attention to specific instructions or preferences to ensure things are done according to their liking.
  • Clean the house: Assist with general cleaning tasks, such as vacuuming, dusting, or mopping. Focus on high-traffic areas and areas that require extra attention, like the nursery or bathroom. This helps create a clean and comfortable living space for the new parents and their baby.
  • Hire professional cleaning services: If you have the means, consider gifting or hiring professional cleaning services for a one-time or recurring visit. This can provide a deep clean and alleviate the burden of cleaning tasks from the new parents' shoulders.

By pitching in with housework and organization, preparing meals, and taking care of laundry and cleaning, you can significantly lighten the load for new parents, allowing them to focus more on bonding with their baby and taking care of themselves. Your support in these practical matters can make a world of difference during the challenging first month.

Helping with Errands

New parents often find it challenging to manage errands while caring for a newborn. By taking on some of these tasks, you can provide invaluable support.

  • Grocery shopping: Offer to do the grocery shopping for them. Ask for a list of essentials and any specific preferences they may have. Ensure that you check for dietary restrictions or allergies when selecting items. Organize the groceries and deliver them to their home.
  • Pharmacy visits: Volunteer to pick up prescriptions or other necessary items from the pharmacy. Coordinate with the new parents to ensure you have all the required information, such as prescription details and any specific instructions. Deliver the items to their doorstep.
  • Miscellaneous errands: Inquire about any other essential errands they need assistance with. This could include picking up baby supplies, dropping off or picking up dry cleaning, mailing packages, or returning library books. By taking care of these errands, you help alleviate the time and energy required from the new parents.

If the new parents have older children who attend school or participate in extracurricular activities, offering to help with pick-ups and drop-offs can be a great relief. 

  • School transportation: Offer to drive the older children to and from school. Coordinate with the parents to ensure you have the necessary information, such as pick-up and drop-off times, locations, and any special instructions. Make sure you have appropriate permission to transport the children.
  • Extracurricular activities: If the older children have after-school activities, offer to transport them to and from these activities. Coordinate with the parents to get the schedule and any necessary equipment or supplies. This allows the parents to focus on their newborn while ensuring that their older children's commitments are met.
  • Communication and coordination: Maintain clear and open communication with the parents to ensure you have all the necessary details for pick-ups and drop-offs. Be punctual and reliable, ensuring the children are safe and comfortable during transportation.

In addition to grocery shopping, pharmacy visits, and transportation, there may be other errands that new parents could use assistance with.

  • Post office visits: Offer to mail packages or letters on their behalf. Save them the trip to the post office by collecting the items, preparing them for mailing, and ensuring they are sent out promptly.
  • Bank or financial tasks: If there are any banking or financial tasks that need attention, offer to help. This could include depositing checks, paying bills, or running necessary financial errands.
  • Administrative tasks: Assist with paperwork, such as filling out forms or organizing important documents. New parents often have an overwhelming amount of paperwork to manage, and your support in organizing or completing these tasks can be a tremendous help.

By taking care of necessary errands, you alleviate the burden on new parents, allowing them to focus on their newborn and adjust to their new routine. Your assistance in these practical matters is invaluable and greatly appreciated during this busy and challenging time.

7 Practical Ways That You Can Help New Parents In The First Month With Baby

Helping from Afar

When you can't be physically present to support new parents, there are still meaningful ways you can provide assistance and show your love from a distance. 

  • Regular check-ins: Maintain regular communication with the new parents through phone calls, text messages, or video chats. Check in to see how they are doing, ask about the baby's progress, and provide a listening ear for any concerns they may have.
  • Emotional support: Offer words of encouragement, empathy, and reassurance. Understand that the first month with a baby can be overwhelming, so be patient and understanding when they express their challenges or anxieties.
  • Research and share resources: Stay informed about relevant articles, blog posts, or podcasts that provide helpful advice for new parents. Share these resources with them, ensuring that the information is reliable and aligns with their parenting values.

Sending care packages or thoughtful gifts can make a big difference and help new parents feel cared for and supported by friends and family. 

  • Baby essentials: Put together a care package filled with baby essentials such as diapers, wipes, baby clothes, or bath products. Include a heartfelt note expressing your love and support.
  • Self-care items: Remember that new parents also need self-care. Consider sending items like scented candles, bath salts, a cozy blanket, or a book they can enjoy during their rare moments of relaxation.
  • Meal or snack deliveries: Arrange for meal or snack deliveries to their doorstep. Look for local services that offer prepared meals or subscription boxes tailored for new parents. Taking care of their nourishment will be a thoughtful gesture.

One way you canhelp new parents from afar is to set up virtual visits or video calls to offer emotional support and reassurance.

  • Schedule regular virtual visits: Plan video calls with the new parents, allowing them to see you and vice versa. This connection can bring a sense of closeness and support, even from a distance. Be intentional about setting aside dedicated time for these virtual visits.
  • Include family and friends: Coordinate virtual gatherings where family members and close friends can join the video call. This way, the new parents can receive love and support from multiple sources, creating a virtual community around them.
  • Offer to babysit virtually: Propose virtual babysitting sessions where you entertain the baby through the video call while the parents get a moment of rest or take care of personal tasks. Singing lullabies or engaging with the baby's coos and giggles can be a heartwarming experience for both you and the new parents.

By providing long-distance support through regular check-ins, sending care packages or thoughtful gifts, and setting up virtual visits or video calls, you can bridge the physical distance and offer emotional support to new parents. Your gestures of love and assistance will remind them that they are not alone, even when you can't be there in person.

How to Help New Moms

New moms go through significant physical and emotional changes during the first month with a baby. Understanding how to help new moms and addressing their needs is crucial in providing meaningful support. 

  • Rest and recovery: Encourage new moms to prioritize rest and self-care. Offer to watch the baby while she takes a nap or enjoys a soothing bath. Help with household chores or meals to give her time to recharge and heal.
  • Physical comfort: Provide items that promote physical comfort, such as a cozy robe, comfortable nursing bras, or breastfeeding pillows. These small gestures can make a big difference in helping new moms feel more at ease.
  • Offer reassurance: Remind new moms that they are doing a great job. Encourage them to trust their instincts and remind them that it's normal to feel overwhelmed or uncertain. Your words of reassurance can boost their confidence and help alleviate any self-doubt.

Feeding the baby is a significant part of a new mom's responsibilities. Supporting her in this aspect can be incredibly helpful. 

  • Learn about breastfeeding: Educate yourself about breastfeeding techniques, common challenges, and available resources. This will enable you to provide informed support and practical advice when needed.
  • Assist with breastfeeding positions: Offer guidance on different breastfeeding positions that may be more comfortable for the mom and baby. Help adjust pillows or provide cushions to ensure proper support during feeding sessions.
  • Bottle feeding support: If the mom is using bottles, offer to help with bottle preparation, sterilization, or feeding the baby. This allows her to take breaks or tend to other tasks while ensuring the baby's needs are met.

The emotional well-being of new moms is just as important as their physical needs. Being a compassionate listener and offering emotional support is invaluable. 

  • Be a non-judgmental listener: Create a safe space for the mom to express her thoughts, fears, or frustrations. Listen attentively without judgment or offering unsolicited advice. Let her know that you are there to listen and support her.
  • Validate her feelings: Understand that new moms may experience a range of emotions, including joy, sadness, anxiety, or frustration. Validate her feelings by acknowledging them and letting her know that it's normal to go through these emotions during the postpartum period.
  • Offer a shoulder to lean on: Be available to lend a listening ear or a comforting shoulder. Encourage the mom to reach out whenever she needs to talk or vent. Reassure her that you are there for her and that she doesn't have to face the challenges alone.

Recognizing how to help new moms, offering help with breastfeeding or bottle feeding, and providing unwavering emotional support, can play a vital role in helping them navigate the first month with their baby. Your care and understanding can make a significant difference in their overall well-being and confidence as new mothers.

How to Help New Dads or Partners

How to Help New Dads or Partners?

New dads or partners also experience a range of emotions and adjustments during the first month with a baby. Supporting them in their role is essential for their well-being and the overall family dynamic. 

  • Baby care involvement: Encourage new dads or partners to actively participate in caring for the baby. This can include tasks such as diaper changes, bathing, or soothing the baby. By involving them in these activities, you help foster a strong bond between them and their child.
  • Skin-to-skin contact: Emphasize the importance of skin-to-skin contact between the baby and the dad or partner. This practice promotes bonding and can be a calming experience for both parties. Encourage them to have regular skin-to-skin time, especially during feeding or nap times.
  • Engaging playtime: Suggest fun and interactive activities for the dad or partner to enjoy with the baby. This could involve reading books, singing songs, playing with toys, or going for gentle strolls with the baby in a carrier or stroller. These bonding moments create lasting memories and strengthen their connection.

You can help new dads or partners by creating space for open communication and checking in on their well-being.

  • Open and supportive conversations: Initiate conversations with new dads or partners to understand how they are adjusting to their new role and responsibilities. Provide a safe and non-judgmental space for them to express their thoughts, concerns, or challenges. Actively listen and offer encouragement or guidance when needed.
  • Regular check-ins: Make a point to regularly check in on their well-being and offer a supportive ear. Ask about their emotional state, any stress they may be experiencing, or if they need assistance with anything specific. Knowing that someone cares and is interested in their well-being can make a significant difference.
  • Offer respite or self-care time: Recognize the importance of self-care for new dads or partners. Encourage them to take breaks or engage in activities that recharge them mentally and physically. Offer to watch the baby for a few hours, allowing them to have time for themselves, whether it's going for a walk, pursuing a hobby, or simply relaxing.

Now that you know how to help new dads or partners transition into parenthood, you can support them by encouraging bonding activities with the baby, offering assistance with household tasks or errands, and creating space for open communication and well-being check-ins. 

Your involvement and understanding contribute to a nurturing and harmonious family environment during this important phase of their lives.

What Advice for New Parents Should be Shared

Offering advice to new parents can be helpful, but it's crucial to approach it with sensitivity and respect. Here are some valuable points to be aware of when considering what advice for new parents you should share:

Be careful not to overstep with advice. Respect the boundaries of new parents.

  • Respect their choices: Understand that new parents have different parenting styles and preferences. Respect their decisions, even if they differ from your own. Avoid imposing your beliefs or making them feel judged for their choices. Offer support and guidance without crossing their boundaries.
  • Ask before offering advice: Instead of assuming they want or need advice, ask if they are open to receiving suggestions. Respect their response, whether they are receptive or prefer to figure things out on their own. By seeking their consent, you show respect for their autonomy as parents.

Share practical tips and tricks for handling the first month with a baby.

  • Establishing routines: Share practical tips on establishing routines for feeding, sleeping, and playtime. Offer suggestions on creating a consistent schedule that works for the baby and the parents' lifestyle. Provide guidance on soothing techniques or techniques for improving sleep patterns.
  • Diapering and bathing: Offer tips on proper diapering techniques, choosing the right diapers, and ensuring the baby's comfort. Share safe and effective bathing methods, including water temperature and appropriate products for sensitive skin.
  • Managing sleep deprivation: Provide strategies for coping with sleep deprivation, such as taking short naps when the baby sleeps, accepting help from others, and practicing self-care to rejuvenate energy levels.

Share experiences and lessons learned from previous parents.

  • Share stories and experiences: Share your personal experiences as a parent or stories from other parents you know. This can help new parents feel less alone and give them different perspectives on common challenges. Be mindful of sharing experiences in a non-judgmental and supportive manner.
  • Lessons learned: Reflect on lessons learned during the first month with a baby. Offer insights on what worked for you, what didn't, and any adjustments you made along the way. Emphasize that every baby and parenting journey is unique, and what worked for one family may not work for another.

Emphasize the importance of self-care and seeking support when needed.

  • Self-care reminders: Highlight the significance of self-care for new parents. Encourage them to prioritize their well-being, both physically and mentally. Remind them to engage in activities they enjoy, ask for help when needed, and take breaks to recharge.
  • Seeking support networks: Emphasize the importance of seeking support from friends, family, or support groups. Provide information about local parenting resources, online communities, or support hotlines that can offer guidance, reassurance, and connection.
  • Normalize asking for help: Encourage new parents to reach out for help when they feel overwhelmed or need a break. Remind them that seeking assistance does not make them inadequate parents but demonstrates their commitment to their well-being and their baby's well-being.

When sharing advice with new parents, remember to respect their boundaries, offer practical tips for handling the first month with a baby, share experiences without judgment, and emphasize self-care and seeking support. Your advice, when shared thoughtfully, can provide new parents with valuable insights and help them navigate the challenges of early parenthood with confidence.

So, let's join together and be the village that new parents need. By extending our love, care, and practical assistance, we can make a world of difference and ensure that this magical time becomes even more memorable for everyone involved. Together, we can support and empower new parents on their incredible journey into parenthood.

Support New Parents with Sunflower Motherhood

Remember, new moms, dads, and partners need understanding, compassion, and a strong support system as they navigate this beautiful yet challenging phase.Sunflower Motherhood offers a wide range of thoughtfully curated products and resources designed to empower and uplift new moms during this transformative time.

From postpartum recovery essentials to breastfeeding support and self-care items, Sunflower Motherhood is dedicated to making the postpartum experience as positive and nourishing as possible. Check out their amazingproducts orcontact Sunflower Motherhood for more information.

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